
 聯絡:林兆源牧師 (949)312-7079  pastorlam@agapecac.org

Rev. Dr. Jonathan Lam


簡介:82年畢業於海外神學院,後與師母赴澳洲宣教士訓練學院進修裝備;95-96年間於中國神學研究院教牧進修。88至94年間於西非迦納宣教。回港後全力參與宣教動員,先後出任香港環球福音會總幹事(96-00)、香港差傳事工聯會總幹事(02-06)、及平安福音差會總幹事(08年-16年)。林牧師先後引進、參與及推動發展多個宣教教育課程,包括「挑戰視野」、「把握時機」(Kairos)、「宣教心視野課程」(Perspectives Study Program);並經常於香港及國內培訓授課。近年大力推動香港本地跨文化事工,包括建立印尼姐姐關懷中心及南亞事工等。2018年4月至2019年11月於美國橙縣爾灣普世豐盛生命中心出任拓展及行政主任。林牧師於2021年取得美國正道福音神學院教牧學博士學位

林牧師在1984年與葉帶玲傳道結婚;林師母赴美前出任海濱平安福音堂女傳道一職達廿年之久;他們育有長女曉恩(Anita) 及次子華希(Mark);並有兩名外孫女Isla(2019)及Mila(2022)。

Rev. Lam graduated from Overseas Bible Seminary HK in 1982.  He married Belinda in 84’ and then went over to WEC Missionary Training College, Tasmania for preparing overseas service.  He further the pastoral study with Chinese Graduate School of Theology in 95'-96'.  ’The family served in Ghana, West Africa as pioneer church planter amongst the unreached Frafra tribe from 88’-94'.  With God’s guidance, Rev. Lam took up a new role as mission executive and mobilizer in HK upon returning to HK.  He served as Executive Director of WEC International HK (96-00), Executive Director of HK Association of Christian Missions (02-06) and started the new mission organization of Peace Evangelical Missions (08-16).  He has been pioneering several Chinese mission mobilization courses in HK such as NVision Course, Kairos Course and Perspectives Study Program.  In recent years, Rev. Lam has also advocated the urgent need for local cross-cultural ministry among the Indonesian maids in HK.  With the joint effort from both the missions and local churches, two Indonesian caring centers as well as two Indonesian Churches have been started.  Rev. Lam served as Advancement and Administration Director with Global Life Enrichment Center (04/2018-11/2019) at Irvine in Orange County before he joins the ministry with Agape Chinese Alliance Church in San Diego.  Rev. Lam received Doctor of Ministry Degree  with Logos Evangelical Seminary, CA.

Rev. Lam and Belinda have two children, Anita and Mark, as well as two granddaughters, Isla (2019) and Mila (2022).

教會帶領團隊:理事會委員 (Governing Board members)

Rev. Jonathan Lam (Senior pastor & Chairman)

Stanley Wu (Elder & Vice-chairman)

EMC Chairman

Dennis Kwan (Elder)

Yong Tsai (Elder)

Joannie Ho (財務)

Yingying Li (秘書)

堂會事工委員會 Congregational Leaders

Eric Liu


Henry Lau


Stanley Wu
